Light drawing (past and future)
In Parallel
Time Tries All Things
One swallow does not a summer make
For every line, a point not on it
In the darkroom - a reflection on light
In the darkroom - the making of a document
A past still to come
3 different nights, recurring
A reflection on light
Black Square
The history of light (Betelgeuse)
A reflection on light
Ian and I
Darkroom (stereoscope)
A past still to come
3 different blacks
From here to Pluto
Borrowed time
Future perfect
An artist's talk with an absent physicist but a philosopher present
The Ages of the Universe
Dialogue concerning the two chief
world systems
world systems
If only something else had happened
If A then B
Script (5) Whiteout
Black Hole Flash Light
Script (4) A fold in time
Script (3) Winter studio
Script (1) Summer studio
Script (2) Time-out with Albert
Endlessness (for Roger)
A little bit of unknown
A deep field for the time deaf
In my own time
Picture of the floating world
Up on the Greenfort
From here to
Coffee cup caustic
Sight Unseen
Déjà vu
Dust defying gravity
Bending space-time in the basement
Paper Exercises
The darkness and the light
The turning point
Little Bang
Around now
Distance AB
Forgetting the vanishing point
The Clearing